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Can you balance an egg - here is how....!!!!!

Balance an egg on your table.. That is just very simple.. YOU WILL NEED One raw egg Salt HERE'S HOW Take the raw egg and try to balance it on a hard surface. Now, make a tiny mound of salt on a hard, smooth surface. Carefully balance the egg on top of the salt, then gently blow the excess salt

Don't toSs those Pumpkin SeEds - Roast them

Roast Pumpkin seeds to make a quick and crispy snake. THINGS YOU WILL NEED Pumpkin Seeds Olive oil Salt Baking pan with raised edges

Tourism in the Maldives

The Maldives is a sovereign, independent, democratic and unitary state in the Indian ocean, scattered 1,190 low lying coral islands across the equator. These picturesque islands are stunned with flowering plants and tall coconut palms surrounded by snowy-white beaches. Cause of this fantastic both submarine and littoral environment of the islands, has acclaimed Maldives as paradise on Earth.

ButTer flies - a beautiful creation of nature

Why do butterflies have colourful wings? Colourful wings help butterflies to identify each other. Male and female butterflies have different patterns and colours on their wings. Butterflies are able to see colours and patterns.   Coloured wings help butterflies to hide their selves from birds and enemies. Some butterflies have spots on their wings, which looks like big eyes. The eyes scare enemies away. Some brightly coloured butterflies, like monarchs taste really bad to birds that feed on them. Birds learn not to eat these butterflies. Other butterflies have simpler tricks. They look like bad tasting butterflies.

JelLy fiSh

Jelly fishes do not have brain and spines. You can also see right through them. But they can cause painful, sometimes deadly stings. Some can even glow in the dark. Scientists know them as medusas, however some people call them as jellyfish. What are jelly fish? They are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This means they don’t have backbones. In fact, they don’t have bones at all.

ESL article - study abroad

When people's standard of living increase, they often think about improving their knowledge for a better life. To do that, they choose to study in developed countries where they can get progressive education. However, everything has its advantages and disadvantages, so studying abroad are not an exception. In my opinion, I think studying abroad is the best way to improve ourselves. As you know, there are obvious advantages to study abroad.

Learn Dhivehi -1

Dhivehi is the national language of Maldives and is an indo Aryan language spoken by around 350,000 Maldivians and nearly 10,000 people of Minicoiy Island. It is also called as Dhivehi bas in which the word Dhivehi means Islanders and bas means language. In earlier the language is used to be written in Eveyla akuru and Dhives akuru. But now the Maldivians use new script called Thaana.